Features of cases in CS GO

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After the launch, CS:GO was offered as a normal game, two years later, the game changed to free to play - Gabe decided that the cost of playing can be a barrier in the funds needed for procedures and even cases. Which cases are they? the procedure to open them, and what happens to them (and how much it's possible to earn money from it) we will discuss in our article.

How do I get a free case

The most efficient way to obtain a case CS:GO is through the drop system in the game. Following a match played in official matchmaking , or some other mode offered by Valve the player can be able to drop the item. In general, it could be a cheap weapon or our old-fashioned case.

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Another option involves trading with players. Cases that are normally traded are seldom traded However, cases that are no longer available in game for free can be traded in full.

The third option is to buy through Steam. Similar to the first method, however here you exchange dollars for cases, and not skins to cases.

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How can I find case studies? 

In the event that you've ever played Team Fortress 2 or Dota 2 from the time of its launch (then DOTER's keypads and case were taken away) You must be aware of the system of monetizing cases. A chest, case or box is an exclusive product that has other things "hidden" inside. What exactly is in your case advance , to determine is the main reason that is a sign of addiction.

Each case is unique and has skins inside that aren't accessible in other cases. The higher the slope of the skins the case, the more fascinating the case will become.

A cheap skin https://skinkings.com/skins/ as well as the unique knife may go missing. However, we will discuss the likelihood of a knife falling out is below.

Operation Phoenix Weapon Case

The Best: AWP "Azimov"

You can find the case here https://bloodycase.com/case/operationphoenix

Operation Phoenix was followed by Operation Breakthrough. Valve returned the original price of $6. Several new cards were introduced that left no footprint. The most interesting ones are that are part of those from the Baggage, Cobblestone, Overpass and Cache collection of cards. "Breakthrough" wasn't much different from Phoenix.

A month later, following "Breakthrough" ended, Operation Vanguard was added to the game. The cost was the same and even more tasks were also included, but two companies were paid $2.60 each. A similar case of the model was offered, but not with the brand-new assortment of weapons.


Best: AK-47 "Neon Racer", Desert Eagle "Code Red"

Another classic case, this one was introduced way back in the day when art skins with bright colors were rare. "Neon Racer" is among the most popular stunners with a striking colour scheme that combines blue purple, pink and blue. There's also the Deagle that has a pricey however not exactly attractive skin. But, the price isn't as impressive.


The best: AWP "Great Demon" Five-Seven "Speed Beast" M4A4 "Hellfire"

It's odd to see the Five-Seven skin in the list of most expensive colors. It's actually quite cool, and among the "Speed Beast" line, it stands out better than the other. With a beautiful M4A4 and AWP in the box draws the attention of collectors and streamers. Today it is the Hydra case is the most popular.