Are You Insane? Getting Started With Insanity Max: 30

posted in: Fitness | 0

I always said I would NEVER buy one of the Insanity programs from Beachbody. I mean, who would put their body through that? It’s just…insane. Well, a few days ago I bought Insanity Max 30.

5 Things I Learned During My First Month at the Gym

posted in: Fitness | 0

I’ve always avoided the gym. In college, I found every excuse to avoid the fitness center, even though my dorm was right next to it. So when I made the decision to join a gym back in December, my first thought was, … Continued

Maybe It’s a You Problem

posted in: Life | 0

This isn’t going to be your typical New Year’s Eve blog post telling you about all of my new year’s resolutions (I’ve done that before – here and here) or telling you how I accomplished all of my resolutions from last year … Continued

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